Sunday, July 13, 2014

Our route to date:

We are now in Pagosa Springs, CO. ("J" on Map)

We visited friends Mike and Car (Caroleen) whom we hadn't seen for years. Mike and I worked together for over ten years in Florida and we wouldn't have missed an opportunity to visit with them.

Pagossa Springs is a gorgeous place spanning elevations from 8000 to 12,500 feet. Mike is a pilot and took me up in his Glasaii aircraft that he built himself. What a treat. In a small aircraft you see with different eyes.

Mike, Linda, Car and Lilly

View from backyard

Glasair III aircraft. Can fly 260+ mph


Chimney Rock
While Peter and Michael were out flying, and Car was sleeping, I took a gorgeous walk down their private road behind their house.  It was so beautiful and so quiet.  The only sounds were birds and the occasional clapping cricket.

Linda and Mike

                                                                           Pagossa Springs famous Hot Springs resort

                                                                                          Colorado sky

                                                                                     Potato shooting contest

                                                            Linda receiving her award for winning the Potato Shoot