Monday, July 28, 2014

Our Route to date:

Map legend:

A) Parkland, FL                                         G) Carlsbad Caverns, NM                     M) Kanab, UT
B) Ocala, FL                                              H) Santa Fe, NM                                   N) Las Vegas, NV
C) Navarre, FL                                           I)  Taos, NM                                          O) Los Angeles, CA
D) Baton Rouge, LA                                   J)  Pagossa Springs, CO                     P) Santa Ynez, CA
E) Austin, TX                                              K) Mesa Verde, CO                              Q) Pismo Beach, CA
F) Llano, TX                                               L) Bluff, Utah

In this posting we travel to Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Santa Ynez and beautiful Pismo Beach where we found a RV Park on an overlook of the Pacific Ocean.

We are visiting AJ and Melanie at their Marina Del Rey apartment. It's beautiful here, almost perfect weather.

Here is a picture from their balcony looking at the front entrance of their complex. AJ has a small organic garden with tomato's and herbs .

Main entrance


AJ and Melanie

Buzz, the cat, loves his perch on  the new sofa. 

The drive North was simply gorgeous. The below pictures are North of  Santa Barbara up to Pismo Beach.

 We loved the drive and were headed north for a 4 hr drive to Sacramento then on to Napa, when we saw Pismo Beach from the road.  We knew we had to stop and spend some time there. The ocean was just beautiful, and there were huge rocks with hundred of seals.  We didn't have reservations at an RV park but drove down by the beach to check out the area.  Suddenly we saw a small sign for an RV "space", first come first serve, and it had just emptied out as it was the end of the weekend.  We scored an unbelievable spot overlooking the ocean.  The views are amazing, the breeze is cool, and we can hear the seals barking. This is one of those dream spots.

We are the RV on the right. Great views overlooking Pismo Beach.
View from our RV spot


The gorgeous view from the back of our RV

Some of the hundreds of seals find their way to the lower level of the pier to rest and bark all throughout the day and night. Very cute but dangerous. Signs all over warn to stay away from them.


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