Tuesday, August 5, 2014

In this posting we show on the map an overnight stop in Sacramento (R) to get our dash board radio replaced and then on to Napa/Calistoga (S) wine country, hot mineral springs and mud baths. 

Map legend:

A) Parkland, FL                                     H) Santa Fe, NM                                      O) Los Angeles, CA
B) Ocala, FL                                           I)  Taos, NM                                              P) Santa Ynez, CA
C) Navarre, FL                                      J)  Pagossa Springs, CO                       Q) Pismo Beach, CA
D) Baton Rouge, LA                            K) Mesa Verde, CO                                  R) Sacremento, CA           
E) Austin, TX                                         L) Bluff, Utah                                             S) Napa/Calistoga, CA           
F) Llano, TX                                          M) Kanab, UT
G) Carlsbad Caverns, NM                 N) Las Vegas, NV            

The vineyards are sculpted rows of grape  vines, row after row, as far as your eye can see. 

 It's not uncommon to see hot air balloons soar close by.  This one went right over our RV early in the morning.   

We finally gave in and became hat people!

Calistoga had a great little lawn concert in Pioneer Park.  The band was excellent and the evening was just beautiful!

We stopped at the Castello di Amorosa Winery which, like most of the area wineries, has beautiful grounds.  We've found that visiting the stunning settings is worth the time even if you don't do a wine tasting. (But who would do that!!) 

Domaine Chandon is one of our all time favorites.  We've come here several times over the years to re-toxify after a mud bath!

Lilly gave the afternoon a thumbs up.  


We have been to the mud baths before and would never miss an opportunity to visit Dr. Wilkinson's. I had this picture taken by the attendant not realizing that it wouldn't show the complete mud treatment. This picture was before the mud is pulled up over the shoulders and up to you chin. Head gets a cold wet towel and you sit in the mud detoxing for 15 minutes. The mud is 107 degrees and the most relaxing experience I have ever had.

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