Saturday, September 20, 2014

After Yellowstone we drove to Chicago to visit our friends Doug and Sharon. They have a beautiful house filled with lots of grandkids.

Map legend:
A) Parkland, FL                         K) Mesa Verde, CO                             T) Acata, CA
B) Ocala, FL                              L ) B l u f f , U t ah                              U) Cottonwood, CA
C) Navarre, FL                          M ) K a n a b , UT                                V) Ashland, OR
D) Baton Rouge, LA                 N ) Las Vegas, NV                               W) Crater Lake, OR
E) Austin, TX                            O ) Los Angeles, CA                            X) Crater Of the Moon
F) Llano, TX                              P) Santa Ynez, CA                                    West Yellowstone, MT
G) Carlsbad Caverns, NM         Q ) P i s m o B e a c h , C A                       Chicago, IL
H) Sante Fe, NM                        R) Sacramento, CA                              Y) New Milford, CT
I) Taos, NM                               S) Napa/Calistoga, CA
J) Pagossa Springs, CO                   Humboldt Redwood Nat
                                                       Forest, CA

On to Chicago!

Doug and Sharon's beautiful house with our parked Motor home.

Doug and I
After we left Doug and Sharon, we stopped at the Rv Hall of Fame Museum in Elkhart, IL RV capital of the world!

Early Winnebago Motor Home

After Elkhart, IL we headed to Connecticut for AJ's oldest and best friend Brett's wedding. 

We stayed with our girlfriend Cindy, our neighbor when we lived in Brookfield, CT.

Cindy and Lauren one of her two daughters.

Lunch at the Mayflower Grace Inn


Rear garden view

Brett's wedding, AJ's oldest and best friend.

Brett and Melissa wedding day

AJ and Melanie 

What a wonderful day this was!

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