Friday, July 18, 2014

Visit to "Best Friends Animal Rescue Sanctuary" Kanab, UT
Our route to date:

This is our route: (A) Parkland, Fl to (B) Ocala, FL to (C) Navarre, FL to (D) Baton Rouge, LA (E) to Austin , TX to
(F) Llano, TX, to (G) Carlsbad Caverns, NM to (H) Santa Fe, NM to (I) Taos, NM to (J) Pagossa Springs, CO
to (K) Mesa Verde, CO to (L) Bluff, UT to (M) Kanab, UT - "Best Friends Animal Rescue Sanctuary"

The animals that come to this sanctuary are either sick, neglected or abused and all are homeless.  They receive all the care they need physically, emotionally and psychologically and are adopted into their forever homes.  Those that can't
take that next step are kept in the sanctuary for life.  We took a tour of the facility and it was even better than I imagined.
There are about 1,500 animals there on approximately 30,000 acres.  Besides caring for 700 dogs, same number of cats, horses, pigs, birds, bunnies and wild animals they have volunteer programs and training programs.  They are a leader in
the "No Kill" mission.  I hadn't realized that approximately 9,000 dogs and cats are euthanized every single day in the US simply because they don't have homes!
Welcome Center

The horses have lots of room to graze and exercise. Chubby, compulsive eaters need to walk farther for
their food and water to get their weight down.  

Angels Rest.  The animal cemetery is incredible with the sound of  hundreds of wind chimes echoing off the
canyon walls.

This sanctuary is a great place to visit or do a volunteer vacation.  Maybe we'll do that one day!

We left Kanab, Utah and headed to Las Vegas.

 The drive through the canyons.

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