Monday, June 23, 2014

Our Rolling Ritz!

We started our trip from home last Thursday and drove about 4 1/2 hours to Ocala and stayed in a very basic KOA campground overnight. We were really exhausted!  Driving the RV takes a lot of physical

The next morning we drove another 4 1/2 hours to Navarre Beach on the Gulf Coast.  I think it's hotter in the Panhandle than in South Florida.  We were stuck in construction delays west of Tallahassee and the outside temperature on the highway reached 107.9 degrees!!  That was hot!!

Here's the route we drove:

Driving this RV is a little intimidating but easy once I got the hang of it. 

Santa Rosa RV Resort Navarre Beach, FL

We were lucky to get into this RV park as there were a lot of festivals and competitions going on this
weekend.  Everything was booked.  This was a spot with a beautiful view of the Gulf Sound with
fabulous breezes which we needed in the 97 degree heat!

Getting set up for our stay.

Lilly spent most of her time under the RV (the coolest places around)!  If we could have we would have crawled under there with her!


We're finally settled in and Peter is thinking of Vodka and Pellegrino!


NJG said...

Thanks for the link! I'll be following you guys on your adventure! All the best and have a blast! Love, Nanc

Unknown said...

Thanks for keeping us informed! Love it! And if you're coming to Northern Calif. you'll have to stop by. We have RV parking! Karlene

JP said...

Hey guys. Thanks a lot for sharing. You're going to have a great time. I can't say I'm not jealous. :)
The blog idea is great by the way. Is there a way to subscribe?

Unknown said...

Good stuff. You'll enjoy the temps here. We get 50s at night and 80s during the day with 20% humidity.
We are really looking forward to your visit. What should we stock up on?

Michael and Caroleen

Patti said...

This is very cool, Linda Im so impressed your driving that thing!! Have fun, safe travels, I look forward to reading about your adventure.

Patti REsso


Good question! We don't know. I think for now just bookmark the blog URL. So glad you're reading!


We're counting on seeing you! Will stay in touch!


So glad you''ll be following! Thanks for the good wishes! I think we're going to have a great time
Will be in touch! Love, Linda


Thanks, Patti! it's been amazing so far!!!

Toasty Senior said...

Love the pic of Linda in the pilot's seat, but who's the old dude in the rocking chair?